This bag seems to be a really nice quality dry bag. The fabric is quite thick and the seems look very good.
I took a look inside then I sealed it up by rolling the top down 4 times and clipping the two buckles together (which make a top handle). It held air when I squeezed it which is a good sign it will also keep water out. I then completely submerged it and there were no leaks!
The handles are all reinforced and sturdy. There is a permanently attached side handle that lies flat against the bag until you pull it out, the top buckles form a handle when the bag is closed and there are 2 removable straps which seem of good quality as well. You can attach one and use it like a duffel bag or both and use it like a backpack. The attachment points for the 2 straps could also be used to tie the bag down.
It can hold a good amount of stuff too, well over what a typical bookbag style backpack could hold. Overall it would be great for boating and camping.
Available at Amazon for $21.99 at time of posting:
Full Disclosure: I received this product for free in exchange for my honest review.